Sunday 14 December 2014


Christmas for me really is the most wonderful time of the year. It's a period where you get to spend time with the people you love most, and where everyone is joyous. Earlier, I asked my younger brother when his favourite time of the entire year is, which for him is the best day to spend. He replied with "my birthday". I asked him why. He then told me that on his birthday, everyone sings happy birthday to him, and he gets presents and cake and there is a big celebration as he is the most important person at that time. I reflected on this. I understand where he is coming from - all 13 year olds love presents and cake, and everyone feels special on their birthday because their life is being celebrated. When I was younger, I probably would have said the exact same thing. Even now, I enjoy being wished happy birthday, having the phone ringing all day and having an excuse to have a party. But here's the thing about birthdays; the person being celebrated is the only one who is truly happy. Everyone else feigns being excited for them, but in actual fact it is just another day for many people, where they could be doing other things with their time other than fawning over this individual. The reason I don't like my birthday, or my brother's, is that every evening my mum goes upstairs to her room, and has a little weep. This isn't because she's angry, or we've done something to upset her. It's because each year we get a bit older, and a bit closer to the time where we will eventually pack our bags, leave home and start our own families. And this fact scares her. Of course on my birthday I am happy, but when she quietly leaves the room in the evening I know what she is thinking, and it makes me sad that she thinks it every year.

But Christmas is different. Firstly, you get a long build up in the early months of advent calenders, chocolates, shopping and decorating before the twelve days of Christmas are even on the horizon. Advent calenders for me and my brother are so exciting - our parents used 24 silver tin cans to make a Christmas tree, and in each day they put a little present for each of us. For example this morning I got a little Yankee candle votive, and yesterday my brother received a bracelet from Hollister. They're never large presents, just little tokens which get us in the mood for the big day. Decorations are another of my favourite parts of the run up, I've decorated my bedroom with paper chains, tinsel, fairy lights, bunting, candles and a little Christmas tree on my desk. Every evening when it gets dark, the blinds go down, the lights turn on and the candles are lit. The atmosphere really calms me down, and gets me in the festive mood.

Another reason why Christmas is wonderful is the food. So. Much. Food. You begin with a bigger breakfast than normal, we usually have bacon sandwiches or pancakes before we start opening presents. Christmas is also an excuse to eat chocolate at any time of the day, so there will always be a tin of Quality Streets or Roses on the table from which people nibble all day. And then mum will bring out the big one. Christmas lunch is the best thing to ever be invented - with helpings upon helpings of turkey, veg, roast potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, crackling and gravy. Absolutely divine. Then when you can't eat another morsel, puddings are brought out. Christmas pudding, mince pies, cakes, chocolates and gingerbread galore. More food than you could possibly eat, which is why on Boxing day lunch is a Christmas dinner sandwich and leftover pudding. You couldn't ask for anything better, really.

But shall I tell you the main reason why Christmas day is the best day of the year? It is because it is the one day where everyone around you is just as excited as you are, and you can partake in the festivities knowing that everyone in the room is content. And it makes me happy knowing that.

L xx

The song I have chosen for this post is my all time favourite Christmas tune, Fairytale of New York by The Pogues. Enjoy!

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