Saturday, 8 February 2014

THE 2014 JAR

This post has been saved as a draft since the beginning of January, due to the fact that I didn't know if I even wanted to post it. I have decided to go for it anyway, however I have omitted some of the more personal information that was originally going to be a part of it. I decided, at New Year, that this year I was going to keep a '2014 Jar'. The idea of this jar is that every time something happens this year that makes me feel happy, or excited, or just generally makes me feel good about myself, I will write it on a scrap of paper and add it to the jar. On New Year's Eve 2014 I will empty its contents and re-explore all of the amazing things that I have done in the year, and relive all of the wonderful memories. Unfortunately this is not an original idea - I actually saw a post on Tumblr which mentioned it, so I decided to give it a go.

The reason that I am doing this, is because every New Year, people I know (and usually myself included) spend the night moaning about how rubbish and miserable the year was, and how this one will be so much better. But the year has never actually been that bad, it is just that people only focus on the bad experiences that have taken place, and people forget the little things that just generally make life that little bit better. For example, yes I have a lot of exciting things lined up this year like road trips, concerts, and holidays, but so far the contents of the jar hold a lot of sentimental value personally to me. One experience which has found a place there is a text message that my best friend sent me. It was around a time when I was feeling quite down about myself, and my self-confidence had plummeted even low than normal. She sent me this beautiful message which made me feel so much better about myself, and it was so beautiful that, I am not ashamed to admit, brought tears to my eyes. So this is the point of the jar. Just to bring back the wonderful emotions felt throughout the year, rather than looking back with nothing but regret. Although there are only a few scraps of paper in it at the moment, I know that by the end of 2014 it will be full to the brim, because my aim is to make this year the best one yet, and to do that I need to maximise the positive feelings and my only way to keep track of those it to keep this jar dedicated to happiness. I admit that it is exceedingly cheesy and cliche, but that is what I like about this idea - everyone has positivity in  their life, so I don't think it should be an original idea - I believe that everyone needs a 2014 jar - even if it is just a metaphorical one.

L xx Hairspray - Good Morning Baltimore

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