Thursday, 16 January 2014


Our lives are a series of journeys. Our days are made up of smaller, literal ones; going to school, on holiday, to the fridge to get some food. But our lives, in the bigger picture, are made up of longer, metaphorical journeys. We don't realize the importance of these adventures until we look back, because most are so integrated into our lives that we don't notice they are there. For instance, I am about to traverse down my most important path yet; the road to university and my impending career that will follow. I am trying not to take this decision lightly, as it will affect the rest of my life if done properly. However, I am also aware that I am 16 years old, and I have a long way to go yet before I enter the realm of adulthood, which will be when my career choice will be most needed. Everyone has their own journey and path to follow, everyone will have fluctuations of important times in their lives, but it is very rare that you will meander through your short spell on Earth with the same relaxed attitude that you adopt to choose what drink you would like with your meal. So, I ask you to consider; what journey are you currently undertaking, or preparing to undertake? It is important in life to step back for a moment, stop, and think about where you are heading. I have made the mistake over the last few years of living a relatively meaningless, trivial life where I exist in a cycle of school, homework and eating, but it's now time for me to evolve and escape my cosy cocoon. When I take the next jump in my life, I want to be ready for it, and leap on to the wagon to see where it takes me. I know this is a very short post, but just think about the message I am trying to convey, and how you can apply it to your own life.

Liberty xx

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